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Recommended Image Sizes

Page/Block Image Recommended Size

All pages & Aprimo Image Block

Hero Image 1920 X 720px

All pages & Aprimo Image Block

Hero Image - Mobile Override 780 X 520px

All pages (excluding bios and listings) & Aprimo Image Block

Teaser Image 680 X 340px (2:1)

All pages & Aprimo Image Block & Site Settings

Social Sharing Thumbnail (OG) 1200 X 630px (1.91:1)
Callout/Feature Block Callout Image

725px min width (height can vary)
General recommendation:
750 X 500px (3:2)

Speaker Block

Speaker Image 365 X 365px (1:1)
Bio Pages Bio Headshot Image 1000 X 1000px (1:1) PNG
Site Settings Bios Pages - Banner Background Image 1920 X 720px
Site Settings Bio Card Background Image 675 X 450px
Site Settings Bio Card Headshot Placeholder Image 1000 X 1000px (1:1) PNG

Site Settings

Global Footer - Affiliate Logo 180px max for both width and height

For Images Uploaded in Optimizely

General Tips

  • Use JPGs for photos.
    • Only use PNGs for illustrations or when transparency is required (bio page headshots, for example).
    • If you’re unsure, use a JPG.
  • If an individual image exceeds 1mb in size, then it's too big and needs to be reduced.

Improve Site Performance With Compression

One of the biggest and most preventable issues that lead to slow page performance is uncompressed images. 

Before uploading an image in Optimizely:

  1. Resize the image to the correct dimensions.
    • The dimensions vary based on where the image will be used. Please refer to the recommended image size labels next to the field in the CMS, or the how-to guides.
    • It's recommended to save/export photos from your image editor at 100% quality and let an image compressor handle all of the compression.
    • For web display, images shouldn't exceed 72 DPI (it can be larger for downloads but not for just displaying images on the site).
  2. Run the image through an image compression tool. Free compression tools to try out:

Learn more about image compression