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Site Search Page

This page template is used for the global site search results page.

How It Works

  • Uses custom Elastic search.
  • By default, all applicable pages on the site are searchable. 
    • Pages with their Exclude From Search checkbox checked are excluded from search.
    • The following page types are excluded from search by default:
      • Homepage
      • Site Search Page
      • Syndication Feed Page
      • Diagram Training Page
  • Results data:
  • Sort by relevance: Results with a keyword match in one of the following fields are ranked higher:
    • Page Name
    • Teaser Text
  • Sort by newest/date:
    • For articles, videos, podcasts, webinars, & news/press: The custom Publish Date field is used.
    • For events: The custom Start Date/Time field is used.
    • For all other page types: The out-of-the-box Published field is used (editable through the Settings tab).

How to Set Up Best Bets (Suggested Results)

Access Level: Administrators

Best bets allow administrators to associate a specific search term with the desired page result so it's the first item shown in the site search.
For example, if users search for "HR" you can use best bets to prioritize the "Compensation Resources" page as the first result shown. 

  1. Navigate to Search Engine > Best Bets
  2. Enter the specific search term into the Phrase field (ex. HR).
  3. Select the page you want to prioritize when users search for the phrase (ex. Compensation Resources).
  4. Click Add.

Page Properties

Content Tab

Hero Image(s)

Optional; displays a banner image at the top of the page behind the page heading when assigned. When multiple images are assigned, they rotate automatically in the background every 4 seconds.
Applicable assignments: Uploaded image files & Aprimo Image Blocks
Recommended size: 1920 X 720px

How to Assign a Mobile Version of an Uploaded Image:
To assign a smaller/cropped version of the hero image that's used on narrow/mobile screens, double click on the main hero image in the right-side assets pane and drag and drop a separately-uploaded version of the image into the Hero Image - Mobile Override field.
Recommended size: 780 X 520px

Alt Text: If the image brings any sort of context to the page outside of just being decorational, assign descriptive alt text to the mobile version of the uploaded image through the Alt Text field in the image properties.


Hide Breadcrumbs

Hides the breadcrumb trail from the page when checked.


Page Heading Override

Overrides the default page heading (H1) on the page. By default, the page name is used.


Main Body

Optional rich text content that displays at the top of the page.


Exclude Sections

Optional; excludes pages that live in the designated section(s) from displaying in the listing (for example, excluding anything that lives under Test Content).

TIP: Individual pages can also be assigned here and excluded from search.


Page Size *

Determines how many items display in the listing before seeing pagination controls.
NOTE: Anything larger than 30 may start to impact performance and overall usability. 


No Results Found Content *

Content that displays when there are no results found in the listing.


Content Blocks

Optional flexible grid builder area that allows you to construct multiple sections and rows of blocks on the page with custom display and layout options. 

How to use grid builder


Primary Contact(s)

Optional; determines the expert/team member(s) that users can contact when the Dynamic Primary Contacts Block is added to the page. Allows Bio Page assignments only. 



SEO Page Title Override

Custom page title containing target keyword(s) that help users with relevant search queries find the content they're looking for more easily. Used in external search results. By default, the page name is used.

Maximum total characters: 60


SEO Description

Summary describing the content/purpose of the page. Used in internal and external search results.

Maximum total characters: 200


Social Sharing Thumbnail (OG)

OG & Twitter card image that displays when the page is shared on social media. The default OG image from site settings is used when this is empty. Applicable assignments:
  • Aprimo image assignment
  • Aprimo Image Block: Use this method if the same image will be reused across multiple pages
  • Uploaded image from the CMS
Recommended size: 1.91:1 aspect ratio (1200 X 630px)
File size should not exceed 8 MB

Social Sharing Title (OG)

Overrides the name that displays when the page is shared through social media. If left empty, the SEO Page Title Override is used, followed by the page name.
Maximum total characters: 65

Social Sharing Description (OG)

Sets the page's teaser text when shared through social media. If left empty, the SEO Description is used.
Maximum total characters: 200

Schema Markup Tab

Schema Markup Override

Full JSON schema markup for the page, when applicable. Exclude the wrapping script tag:

<script type="application/ld+json">