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Insights Listing Page

This page is used to create a hub of knowledge (in general or related to a specific topic, service, or industry) with insights dynamically listed out.

View Demo

How It Works

  • Insights detail pages are listed out dynamically in a grid. Applicable page types:
  • Search: Users can search for insights by keyword.
  • Filter by Industry: Industry categories are pulled in from the designated industries category tree (assigned through the Insights - Industries Root Category field in Site Settings) and displayed in alphabetical order. Pages must be tagged with an industry category in order to be filterable.
  • Filter by Service: Service categories are pulled in from the designated services category tree (assigned through the Insights - Services Root Category field in Site Settings) and displayed in alphabetical order. Pages must be tagged with a service category in order to be filterable.
  • Filter by Media Type: 

Topic Tags

topic tagsTopic tags are placed throughout the site to help users discover relevant topics without overwhelming the listing page with options.

What is Considered a Topic?

Topics should represent curated themes of content that are relevant, trending, or timely (ex: Coronavirus, Cryptocurrency, Cybersecurity, etc.). They may be very granular or they may encompass a range of services and industries.
Topics are not a duplication of an existing service or industry. 

How to Create a Topic Tag Association

Each applicable topic requires a dedicated hub (insights listing page) with curated content relevant to the topic's theme. The Category field on the insights listing page is used to create the association to a specific topic and designate the listing page as that topic's "hub." For example, the Coronavirus insights listing page would have the Coronavirus topic category assigned.

Topics will only display as tag links on the site when they have an associated insights listing page.

The Dynamic Insights Listing Block must be assigned to the page in order for the listing to display.

View Block Details

Page Properties

Content Tab


This field is used to associate the listing page to a specific topic category and designate it as a topic tag link that displays on insights throughout the site. 


  • The assigned category must live under the designated topics category tree (assigned through the Insights - Topics Root Category field in Site Settings).
  • If the insights listing page is being used for another type of generic listing that isn't a dedicated topic hub, leave the category field unassigned.
  • Only one topic category assignment per insights listing page.
  • Only one insights listing page can be associated to a particular topic category at a time.

Hero Image(s)

Optional; displays a banner image at the top of the page behind the page heading when assigned. When multiple images are assigned, they rotate automatically in the background every 4 seconds.
Applicable assignments: Uploaded image files & Aprimo Image Blocks
Recommended size: 1920 X 720px

How to Assign a Mobile Version of an Uploaded Image:
To assign a smaller/cropped version of the hero image that's used on narrow/mobile screens, double click on the main hero image in the right-side assets pane and drag and drop a separately-uploaded version of the image into the Hero Image - Mobile Override field.
Recommended size: 780 X 520px

Alt Text: If the image brings any sort of context to the page outside of just being decorational, assign descriptive alt text to the mobile version of the uploaded image through the Alt Text field in the image properties.


Hide Breadcrumbs

Hides the breadcrumb trail from the page when checked.


Page Heading Override

Overrides the default page heading (H1) on the page. By default, the page name is used.


Main Body

Optional rich text content that displays at the top of the page.


Series/Channel Listing

Determines how the page's teaser data is displayed when it's assigned directly to grid builder. Check this box if the listing is specifically for a video series, webinar series, event series, podcast channel, etc.
Note: This only affects how the page's teaser data displays, it doesn't affect anything on the listing page itself. 

View Teaser Display Examples


Filter by Page Type(s)

Optional; filters the applicable content down to only the specified page type(s) when checked. By default, all 4 insights page types are included.


Filter by Categor(ies)

Optional; filters the applicable content down to only pages that have the specified category assigned. When multiple categories are assigned, pages that have at least one of the categories will display, ex: Category 1 OR Category 2 (not Category 1 and Category 2). 


Include Sections

Optional; filters the content down to only include pages that live in the designated sections assigned (for example, only pages that live under Insights). By default, all published pages of the applicable type(s) are displayed, including test content and pages marked as excluded from search.

TIP: Individual pages with no children can also be assigned here and included in the listing. This can be useful when creating a manually-curated series/channel list. Note: If other filter criteria is set for the listing (Filter by Categories, Filter by Page Types), individual page assignments must also meet those conditions in order to display. 


Exclude Sections

Optional; excludes pages that live in the designated section(s) from displaying in the listing (for example, excluding anything that lives under Test Content).


Exclude Individual Pages 

Optional; excludes individual pages from displaying in the listing.


Hide Search

Hides the search box from displaying on the page when checked. This may be useful for listings with very limited content.


Hide Industries Filter

Hides the "Filter by Industry" dropdown from displaying.


Hide Services Filter

Hides the "Filter by Service" dropdown from displaying.


Hide Type Filter

Hides the "Filter by Media Type" dropdown from displaying on the page when checked. This should be used if the insights listing is already pre-filtered to only show a specific media type.


Order By *

Determines how the content is ordered in the listing:

  • Published Date: Uses the custom Publish Date field (or Start Date/Time field for events).
  • Title

Order Direction *

Determines the direction that the content is ordered in:

  • Descending: Latest items on top (used for insights and news listings)
  • Ascending: Oldest items on top (used for upcoming event listings)

Page Size *

Determines how many items display in the listing before seeing the Load More button.
NOTE: Avoid setting this to a number that will lead to an unbalanced listing (anything that isn't divisible by 3 or 4). 12 and 24 are the only recommended sizes. Anything larger than 24 may start to impact performance and overall usability. 


No Results Found Content *

Content that displays when there are no results found in the listing.


Content Blocks *

Optional flexible grid builder area that allows you to construct multiple sections and rows of blocks on the page with custom display and layout options. 

How to use grid builder

IMPORTANT: For this page in particular, the Dynamic Insights Listing Block must be assigned to a one-column row in order for the listing to display on the page. 


Hide Section Navigation

Hides the dynamic "Explore" child page navigation links at the bottom of the page when checked.


Primary Contact(s)

Optional; determines the expert/team member(s) that users can contact when the Dynamic Primary Contacts Block is added to the page. Allows Bio Page assignments only. 


Teaser Info Tab

Teaser Title Override

Overrides the title text that's displayed when the page is featured on another page of the site. By default, the page name is used. 


Teaser Text

Brief summary that displays in certain areas when the page is featured elsewhere on the site or returned in the site search.


Link Text Override

Overrides the link text that's displayed when the page is featured on another page of the site. By default, the page name is used.


Trending Topic Featured Insights

Manually-curated insights that display first in the teaser listing of the Trending Topics Block when the page's associated topic category is set as trending. The featured insights are only displayed when the insights listing page's associated topic category is set as a Trending Topic through Site Settings.

NOTE: The featured insights do not affect how the items display on the listing page itself, it's only used to allow more manual curation of the teased insights within the Trending Topics Block.

Applicable page types: 

Recommended max of 3 at a time.



SEO Page Title Override

Custom page title containing target keyword(s) that help users with relevant search queries find the content they're looking for more easily. Used in external search results. By default, the page name is used.

Maximum total characters: 60


SEO Description

Summary describing the content/purpose of the page. Used in internal and external search results.

Maximum total characters: 200


Social Sharing Thumbnail (OG)

OG & Twitter card image that displays when the page is shared on social media. The default OG image from site settings is used when this is empty. Applicable assignments:
  • Aprimo image assignment
  • Aprimo Image Block: Use this method if the same image will be reused across multiple pages
  • Uploaded image from the CMS
Recommended size: 1.91:1 aspect ratio (1200 X 630px)
File size should not exceed 8 MB

Social Sharing Title (OG)

Overrides the name that displays when the page is shared through social media. If left empty, the SEO Page Title Override is used, followed by the page name.
Maximum total characters: 65

Social Sharing Description (OG)

Sets the page's teaser text when shared through social media. If left empty, the SEO Description is used.
Maximum total characters: 200

Schema Markup Tab

Render Service Schema Markup

When checked, the dynamic "service" schema markup will be rendered for the page. This should only be checked for pages that represent a service.


Additional Types

When Render Service Schema Markup is checked, one or multiple external links (typically Wikipedia links) can be assigned here for the service page's additional type property.


Schema Markup Override

Full JSON schema markup for the page, when applicable. Exclude the wrapping script tag:

<script type="application/ld+json">

When populated, this overrides the dynamic schema markup for the page.


Teaser Displays

When this page is assigned directly to a Content Blocks (grid builder) area on another page, it displays as a featured component with a teased listing of cards.
There are two possible display variations based on if the Series/Channel Listing checkbox is checked or not.


Series/Channel Display

This display is used when the Series/Channel Listing checkbox is checked.

  • Title: Teaser Title Override (if populated). Otherwise, uses Page Name.
  • Teaser: Teaser Text (if populated).
  • Link Text: Link Text Override (if populated). Otherwise, uses a globally-managed label from Localization.
  • Content Cards: The first 3 items from the full listing page are displayed.

Non-Series/Channel Display

This display is used when the Series/Channel Listing checkbox is unchecked.

  • Title: Teaser Title Override (if populated). Otherwise, uses Page Name.
  • Content Cards: The first 4 items from the full listing page are displayed.
  • Button Link Text: Link Text Override (if populated). Otherwise, uses a globally-managed label from Localization.
    Note: The button does not display if there are less than 4 items to show.