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The Navigation Pane

  The left-side navigation pane houses all of the pages on the site. Pages are created beneath other pages in order to create the site structure. The heirarchy of how the pages are organized determines the structure of the main navigation, section navigation, and breadcrumb trails on the site. 

TIP: Use the pin icon to keep the navigation pane open so it's always expanded while you're editing.

How to Create a New Page

To create a new page, click the menu icon next to any previously-created page and click New Page, or, click the plus icon in the bottom left corner of the navigation pane. Then, select the type of page you want to create from the list of options. 


Folders can be created in the navigation pane for organizational purposes. They do not display in the site navigation or breadcrumb trail on the front-end. However, the folder title is included in the alias trail for any pages that live beneath it so folders should be reserved for rare cases when an actual page type as the parent isn't possible. 

To add a new folder, select the Folder page type option when creating a new page. 

On-Page Editing vs. Properties View

By default, pages are presented in on-page editing mode with a live preview of the content.

However, the majority of the fields have to be accessed through the properties view in order to edit. To switch to properties view, click the list icon in the top right corner.

Global Properties


Page/block/asset name. Page names are used throughout the site (navigation, breadcrumbs, etc.) whereas block names are only visible in the CMS.

Name in URL

Page name used at the end of the automatic alias trail. The automatic alias is the primary/canonical URL used for the page. You'll want to clean up this value if the page name is really long, contains symbols that lead to extra dashes, or has unnecessary stop words (a, the, in) that can be removed.

NOTE: If a page name changes in the future, the Name in URL does not automatically update.

Simple Address
(Not Recommended)

Custom alias path for the page. As new pages are created going forward, avoid setting a simple address. Simple addresses cause search engines to think that there are multiple pages with the same content, which also results in inaccuracies when it comes to reporting and lead tracking. If a vanity URL is needed for specific reasons, set up a 301 redirect instead.

Display in Navigation

When unchecked, the page is hidden from the section navigation as well as dynamic link lists in the Mega Menu Link List Block.

Exclude From Search

When checked, the page is excluded from internal and external searches, indexers, and crawlers. This is helpful for test content, utility pages, or new content being built out before it's officially ready to release.

Visible To

Determines which users/user groups have access to view, edit, or delete the content. By default, settings are inherited from the Access Rights section in the admin settings.

ID, Type

Unique ID and current content type.

Global Tabs

Content Tab

Includes page-specific fields that vary based on page type.

Teaser Info Tab

Controls the excerpt/teaser data that is used when the page is featured or listed elsewhere on the site.


Includes SEO-related metadata fields that help improve rankings and allow you to customize how the page is presented when searched or shared externally.

Schema Markup Tab

Includes specific fields (when applicable) used for structured data.

The following page types have dynamic schema markup capabilities:

Settings Tab

Basic page properties such as creation date, published date, etc. Determines how sub-pages are sorted (newest first, alphabetical, etc.).

Page URLs (Aliasing)

By default, page aliases are automatically generated based on the page's name and where it lives in the site structure. For example, a page titled "Contact" that is a sub-page beneath "About Us" would have the following automatic alias: /about-us/contact/

When the full site structure is defined in the alias, it helps surface the taxonomy and gives users a better idea of where the page is located and what it’s about. As long as the page hierarchy is set up and named correctly in the editor, then the automatic alias should be all that's needed. 

FYI: The automatic URL that is created for each page won’t always be formatted in a way that tells search engines what the page contains. 

An important thing to keep in mind is that the section names in the alias need to reference pages that actually exist, so if your page hierarchy has folders or parent pages that don't match up to real pages on the front-end, then their names shouldn't be included in the alias.

Structuring Website URLs for CMS Websites: Best Practices

How to Set Up a Shortcut Link

Shortcuts can be used to create links in the navigation that lead elsewhere, or to display an author's name on an insights detail page that doesn't link anywhere. From the Settings tab of any page, click Manage to add a shortcut for the page.

Shortcut Types

  • Shortcut to another content item: Allows you to select an internal page to redirect the page link to. This option can be used if there is a page that is repeated in multiple menu sections, or, if you've phased out old content pages that may still have connections to other content on the site and you want to redirect them to the new version of the page.
  • Shortcut to page on another website: Allows you to link to a page on an external site. 
  • No shortcut, display text only (Bio Pages Only): Use this option on Bio Pages for authors/team members that no longer work at the company so they can continue to be listed as authors on insights content without allowing users to see a full detail page. 
  • Fetch content from another content item: This option allows you to pull in the content from another page (of the same type) while maintaining the navigation, breadcrumbs, etc. from the page's actual location.