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How to Preview and Publish Changes

Changes made to a page or block are automatically saved each minute. 
You can preview pages before publishing by either switching to on-page editing mode or clicking the Preview button near the top of the page.
Preview Icon

Publishing Options

When a change has been made to a page or block, the button text in the top right corner will change to either Publish or Ready to Publish (depending on your permissions).

  • Publish Changes: Publish the content right away.
  • Schedule for Publish: Select a future date and time to publish the content rather than publishing right away. Multiple drafts of content changes can be scheduled ahead of time as needed.
  • Ready to Publish: Mark the item as ready for review so another team member can approve the changes before publishing.
  • Revert to Published: Revert the page/block back to its last published state before any changes were made.

publish options

View on Website links to the currently-published version of the page (not an option for blocks).

How to Cut, Copy, and Paste

Pages, blocks, and media can be cut or copied by clicking the menu icon to the right of the item and selecting Cut/Copy. When you're ready to paste, click the menu icon to the right of the parent page/folder you want to paste it under and click Paste

TIP: Pages and blocks can also be moved by simply dragging the item into the desired spot. This can be used for reordering subitems or placing pages/blocks in different sections.

How to Move Content to the Trash

Optimizely has a trash bin feature that holds all recently deleted pages, blocks, and assets until they are permanently removed. To move content to the trash, click the menu icon to the right of the item and select Move to Trash.

You will be warned if there are any pages/blocks currently using the item or linked to the page you're trying to delete. 

How to View, Restore, and Permanently Delete Trash

To view the trash bin, open the navigation pane on the left side, click the gear icon in the bottom right corner and then select View Trash.

In the trash bin, you can view a list of all previously-deleted items and filter by user, if desired. Content can be recovered from the trash by hovering over the item and clicking the Restore link on the right. 

recycle bin

To permanently delete the content, you can either click Delete next to an individual item, or, click the Empty Trash button in the top right corner to delete everything. 

CAUTION: Once the trash has been emptied, it cannot be undone or restored. 

Version History

Pages, blocks, and media all have version history so any previously published versions of the content can be viewed and reverted when desired. 

How to Add the Versions Gadget

To access the list of previous content versions, click the gear icon in the top corner of the navigation pane or assets pane, select Add Gadgets and then click the Versions gadget. Once added, the gadget can be collapsed/expanded and resized based on your personal preferences. 

How to Revert to a Previous Version

In the navigation pane, click on a page and expand the Versions gadget to view its content history. Click on one of the previous versions to view the page differences. To revert back to the selected version, click Options > Republish.

NOTE: For blocks and media, the item has to be in edit mode to view the version history list.