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Trending Topics Block

Designed to be used on the homepage, insights landing page, or in a mega menu, this component provides an overview of the globally-defined trending topics along with their designated featured/latest insights.

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How It Works

  • The Trending Topics category assignments from Site Settings determine what content displays.
  • For each trending topic assignment (max of 4 at a time), the associated Insights Listing Page is linked up and used for grabbing manually-curated Featured Insights and/or the latest insights content.

Block Properties

Display Type *

Two possible displays:

  • Simple: Recommended for the Homepage.
  • Full: Recommended for the insights landing page.

View Display Examples

Heading Override

Optional override of the default H2 heading. By default, the text is set to "Trending" and can be managed globally through Localization.

Max Items Shown *

Required; determines the max number of insights cards to show at a time.

Button Link

Optional manually-curated link to view all insights (the recommendation is to link to the "All" insights listing page).

NOTE: The button link is only used in the Simple display.

Next Steps

Assign the block to a one-column row in the Content Blocks (grid builder) area on a page or in a Mega Menu Block for the main navigation.


Simple Display

Displays a combined teaser listing view of featured insights based on the globally-defined trending topic categories. Recommended for the Homepage.

  • Topic Buttons: Links to each trending topic's associated Insights Listing Page (if an association exists). 
  • Content Cards: Manually-curated Featured Insights from all of the trending topics' associated Insights Listing Pages display first (if populated), followed by the latest insights on the site that have at least one of the topic categories assigned.

    Full Display

    Displays each trending topic as its own teaser listing row. Recommended for the insights landing page.

    • Topic Title: Teaser Title Override (if populated). Otherwise, uses Page Name.
    • Topic Teaser: Teaser Text (if populated).
    • Topic Link Text: Link Text Override (if populated). Otherwise, uses a globally-managed label from Localization.
    • Topic Content Cards: Manually-curated Featured Insights from the topic's associated Insights Listing Page display first (if populated), followed by the first few insights from the full listing page.
    • Note: The Button Link from the block properties is not utilized in the Full display. 

    Mega Menu Display

    When this block is assigned to a Mega Menu Block, it displays a simple link list of the globally-defined trending topic categories along with the trending topics heading.

    mega menu trending topics display

    Trending Topics (Full)