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Content Listing Block

This block dynamically lists out applicable pages in a simple paginated listing.
All page types (excluding folders) can be displayed in this listing. 

View Demo

Block Properties

Filter by Categor(ies)

Optional; filters the applicable content down to only pages that have the specified category assigned. When multiple categories are assigned, pages that have at least one of the categories will display, ex: Category 1 OR Category 2 (not Category 1 and Category 2). 

Include Sections

Optional; filters the content down to only include pages that live in the designated section(s) assigned. By default, all applicable published pages are displayed, including test content and pages marked as excluded from search.

TIP: Individual pages with no children can also be assigned here and included in the listing. Note: If the Filter by Categor(ies) field is also populated for the listing, individual page assignments must also meet that criteria in order to display. 

Exclude Sections

Optional; excludes pages that live in the designated section(s) from displaying in the listing (for example, excluding anything that lives under Test Content).

Exclude Individual Pages

Optional; excludes individual pages from displaying in the listing.

Order By *

Determines how the content is ordered in the listing:

  • Published Date:
    • For articles, videos, podcasts, webinars, & news/press: The custom Publish Date field is used.
    • For events: The custom Start Date/Time field is used.
    • For all other page types: The out-of-the-box Published field is used (editable through the Settings tab).
  • Title

Order Direction *

Determines the direction that the content is ordered in:

  • Descending: Latest items on top.
  • Ascending: Oldest items on top.

Page Size *

Determines how many items display in the listing before seeing pagination controls.
NOTE: Anything larger than 30 may start to impact performance and overall usability. 

No Results Found Content *

Content that displays when there are no results found in the listing.

Next Steps

Assign the block to a one-column row in the Content Blocks (grid builder) area on a page.

Content Listing Block

There are no items to show at this time.