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Callout/Feature Block

Used to promote, feature, or call attention to internal or external content.

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Block Properties


Optional featured callout image.
Recommended minimum width: 725px (maximum width: 800px). Height can vary but a consistent size should be used when multiple callouts are used together. General recommendation: 750 X 500px (3:2).

Either an image OR an icon can be used at a time.


Scale Image

Scales small images up and large images down to a uniform size (not applicable for icons). Checked by default.

NOTE: Only uncheck this box if you're using a small image that you specifically want to keep at its original size without scaling to fit the space (small logos, for example).


Icon (Ionicon Embed Code)

Optional featured icon.
Search for an icon you want to use through the external Ionicons library and copy & paste the web component code into this embed field. For example:

<ion-icon name="alarm-outline"></ion-icon>

Either an image OR an icon can be used at a time. 



Optional callout title. View


Optional brief summary text.



Optional link to a featured page or resource.

TIP: Use descriptive link text that explains where the link is going. Avoid vague link text like Read More, Learn More, etc.


Callout/Feature Block

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