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Access Level: Administrators

The Site Settings block is made up of custom global settings that are used throughout the site.
Only one version of this block is used and it typically lives in the top For All Sites block folder.

Block Properties

Site Search Page *

Required; page reference for the global site search.


Site Logo (SVG) *

Required; EisnerAmper SVG icon that displays in the global header.


Site Logo Link Title Text *

Required; title text that displays when hovering over the site logo in the header to provide additional context, ex: "EisnerAmper Home" 


Determines the top utility links that display in the global header next to search.
Max of 5.


Mega Menu Blocks

Determines the Mega Menu Blocks that make up the main navigation in the global header.
Max of 5.


Optional links at the top of the global footer that provide a quick way for users to access the primary CTAs on the site (Subscribe, Contact, etc.).
Max of 4.


Social Media Links

Optional social media links that display on the right side of the global footer.
Max of 6.

  • Social Icon: Required.
  • Link Title Text: Required; title text that displays when hovering over the icon to help provide additional context, ex: "View EisnerAmper's LinkedIn" 
  • Link: Required.

Legal Links

Optional links at the bottom of the global footer that link to privacy statements, terms & conditions, etc.
Max of 6.


Affiliate Logo(s)

Optional affiliate icon(s) that display on the right side of the global footer.
Max of 3.

  • Icon: Required; SVG icon recommended. Max dimension for both width and height: 180px.
  • Link: Optional logo link.

Copyright Text *

Required; global copyright text that displays in the global footer. 

NOTE: Use {{YEAR}} for the dynamic year text that updates automatically.


Syndication Feed (Events) - Locations Root Category *

Required; determines the category tree used for the eventLocations tag when Event Pages are listed in a Syndication Feed.

Ex: <extraData:eventLocations>Dallas TX</extraData:eventLocations>


Insights - Industries Root Category *

Required; determines the category tree used for the list of industries for insights content. This category tree is used for the following:


Insights - Services Root Category *

Required; determines the category tree used for the list of services for insights content. This category tree is used for the following:


Insights - Topics Root Category *

Required; determines the category tree used for the list of topics for insights content. This category tree is used for the following:


Trending Topics (Max of 4)

Sets applicable topics from the designated Topics category tree as "trending" so the most relevant content can be featured through the Trending Topics Block.

For each trending topic assignment (max of 4 at a time), the associated Insights Listing Page is linked up and used for grabbing manually-curated Featured Insights and/or the latest insights content.


All Insights Listing Page *

Required; sets the main Insights Listing Page that contains all insights. This is used for the following:


Bio Pages - Banner Background Image *

Required; sets the hero background image behind the transparent headshots on Bio Pages.

Recommended size: 1920 X 720px


Bio Card Background Image *

Required; sets the background image behind the transparent headshots for Bios when they're shown in card view through the Dynamic Primary Contacts Block.

Recommended size: 675 X 450px


Bio Card Headshot Placeholder Image *

Required; determines the placeholder image for Bios with no headshot when they're shown in card view through the Dynamic Primary Contacts Block.

Recommended size: 1000 X 1000px (transparent PNG)


Bio Pages - HubSpot Contact Form Embed Code

Determines the HubSpot form embed code that's used to populate the contact form at the bottom of each Bio Page.


Article Pages - Inherited Content

Dynamic Primary Contacts Block

Determines the Dynamic Primary Contacts Block that all pages of that type inherit when populated. The inherited block can be hidden on a page-by-page basis.
Note: The theme is not editable in this area.


Dynamic Related Insights Block

Determines the Dynamic Related Insights Block that all pages of that type inherit when populated. The inherited block can be hidden on a page-by-page basis.

Applicable assignments:

Note: The theme is not editable in this area.


CTA Block

Determines the CTA Block that all pages of that type inherit when populated. The inherited block can be hidden on a page-by-page basis.
Note: The theme is not editable in this area.


On-Demand Webinar Pages - Inherited Content

Dynamic Primary Contacts Block

Determines the Dynamic Primary Contacts Block that all pages of that type inherit when populated. The inherited block can be hidden on a page-by-page basis.
Note: The theme is not editable in this area.


Dynamic Related Insights Block

Determines the Dynamic Related Insights Block that all pages of that type inherit when populated. The inherited block can be hidden on a page-by-page basis.

Applicable assignments:

Note: The theme is not editable in this area.


CTA Block

Determines the CTA Block that all pages of that type inherit when populated. The inherited block can be hidden on a page-by-page basis.
Note: The theme is not editable in this area.


Video Pages - Inherited Content

Dynamic Primary Contacts Block

Determines the Dynamic Primary Contacts Block that all pages of that type inherit when populated. The inherited block can be hidden on a page-by-page basis.
Note: The theme is not editable in this area.


Dynamic Related Insights Block

Determines the Dynamic Related Insights Block that all pages of that type inherit when populated. The inherited block can be hidden on a page-by-page basis.

Applicable assignments:

Note: The theme is not editable in this area.


CTA Block

Determines the CTA Block that all pages of that type inherit when populated. The inherited block can be hidden on a page-by-page basis.
Note: The theme is not editable in this area.


Podcast Pages - Inherited Content

External Podcast App Links

Optional; icon links leading to the EisnerAmper podcast on external platforms. The icon list displays on all Podcast Pages when populated.

  • SVG Icon: Required; square SVG icon for the external app.
  • Link: Required; external podcast link.
  • Link Text: Required; text that displays next to the icon.


Dynamic Primary Contacts Block

Determines the Dynamic Primary Contacts Block that all pages of that type inherit when populated. The inherited block can be hidden on a page-by-page basis.
Note: The theme is not editable in this area.


Dynamic Related Insights Block

Determines the Dynamic Related Insights Block that all pages of that type inherit when populated. The inherited block can be hidden on a page-by-page basis.

Applicable assignments:

Note: The theme is not editable in this area.


CTA Block

Determines the CTA Block that all pages of that type inherit when populated. The inherited block can be hidden on a page-by-page basis.
Note: The theme is not editable in this area.


News/Press Pages - Inherited Content

Dynamic Primary Contacts Block

Determines the Dynamic Primary Contacts Block that all pages of that type inherit when populated. The inherited block can be hidden on a page-by-page basis.
Note: The theme is not editable in this area.


Dynamic Related Insights Block

Determines the related content that all News/Press Pages inherit when populated. The inherited block can be hidden on a page-by-page basis.

Applicable assignments:

Note: The theme is not editable in this area.


CTA Block

Determines the CTA Block that all pages of that type inherit when populated. The inherited block can be hidden on a page-by-page basis.
Note: The theme is not editable in this area.


Error Pages

Forbidden (403) *

Required; sets the friendly error message page (Flexible Page) that displays when users receive a 403 (permission denied) error. 


Page Not Found (404) *

Required; sets the friendly error message page (Flexible Page) that displays when users receive a 404 (page not found) error. 


Server Error (500) *

Required; sets the friendly error message page (Flexible Page) that displays when users receive a 500 (server) error. 


SEO & Social Sharing Baseline

SEO Page Title Base

Optional; adds base text to the SEO page title trail for all pages.
Ex: About Us | EisnerAmper


SEO Page Title Separator

Optional; determines what's used as a separator in the page title trail when base text is set - a pipe (|) for example. Leave this field empty if the SEO Page Title Base is empty.
Ex: About Us | EisnerAmper


Social Sharing Sitename (OG) *

Required; sets the global og:sitename value that displays when pages are shared on social media (ex. EisnerAmper).


Social Sharing Default Thumbnail (OG) *

Required; sets the fallback OG and Twitter card image when pages are shared on social media.

Recommended size: 1.91:1 aspect ratio (1200 X 630px)
File size should not exceed 8 MB


Google Tag Manager

GTM Container ID

Recommended; Google Tag Manager ID for tracking & analytics.


AddThis Sharing Service

AddThis Pub ID

Optional; needed for the sharing service functionality on insights detail pages. Populate the "pubid" value from the AddThis widget embed code.


Global Template Embeds

Header Embed Code

Optional; inserts embed code at the bottom of the <head> section on all pages.


Body Embed Code

Optional; inserts embed code at the top of the <body> section on all pages.


Footer Embed Code

Optional; inserts embed code at the bottom of the <body> section on all pages.