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Redirects allow you to send users from one URL to another relevant URL in order to prevent broken links.
Learn More About Redirects

Where to Manage Redirects

Redirects are managed globally under SEO Manager > Redirects.

Who Can Manage Redirects

Only users in one of the following user groups can access the redirects manager:

  • WebAdmins: Full admin access to all of SEO Manager.
  • RedirectAdmins (+ WebEditors): Full admin access to the redirects manager.
  • RedirectEditors (+ WebEditors): Partial access to the redirects manager with the ability to add, edit, import, and export only. Not able to delete redirects.

WebEditors without the RedirectAdmins or RedirectEditors user group assigned will not be able to access the redirects manager at all.

When To Add Redirects

  • When a page is set as expired and another relevant page exists that traffic can be directed to.
  • When a page is deleted and another relevant page exists that traffic can be directed to.
  • When merging two or more duplicate pages into one.
  • When a page has had its full automatic alias changed, either directly on the page itself or through a change to the page's parent(s).
  • When a page has had its simple address changed.


Old URL *

Required; original URL that you want to redirect elsewhere. Always use the relative URL that begins with / and do not include the domain ( 

New URL *

Required; new destination URL. If this is an internal URL, use the relative URL that begins with / and do not include the domain ( 


Determines if the redirect is active or not. 

Start Date

Optional; allows redirects to be scheduled to go-live on a specific date rather than right away. 

End Date

Optional; deactivates the redirect after a specific date.

Type *

Required; determines the type of URL pattern matching used:

  • Exact (Default): Most common - redirects URLs that are an exact match only.
  • Regex: Redirects URLs that match a custom pattern defined with regular expression characters. Only used in very specific cases.
  • Wildcard: Redirects a broad range of URLs that have a partial pattern match. For example: Anything that begins with /about-us/news/ (an asterisk * is required in the old URL for this to function properly).

URL Action *

Required; additional options related to how query string values are carried over (applicable for "Exact" type redirects only):

  • None (Default): Most common.
  • Append Relative URL Without Parameters: Not applicable for use.
  • Append Relative URL With Parameters: Not applicable for use.
  • Append Parameters: Only used for very specific cases to carry over query string values (parameters = anything after the ?).
    Ex: /old/?id=123 --> /new/?id=123

Status Code *

Required; determines the HTTP response status code when the old URL is visited:

  • Moved Permanently (301): Most common. Indicates that the page has been moved permanently.
  • Temporary Redirect (302): Indicates that the page has been moved temporarily and will eventually return after a short period of time.
  • Not Found (404): Not commonly used. Although this is technically an option, it's recommended to expire the page instead, which will lead users to a 404.
  • Temporary Redirect With Salt: Not commonly used. In very rare cases, this option can be used to add cache busting to uploaded media file URLs (PDFs, for example) so the most up-to-date version of the file is loaded every time the URL is requested. No actual redirecting occurs, it just adds a unique ID at the end of the URL that prevents a cached version from being viewed.

Priority *

Required; determines the order that the redirects are evaluated in. Priority is only applicable if you have two or more rules that overlap and you need to ensure that one happens before the other.

  • Default: Most common.
  • High: Evaluated first. Only used in very specific cases.
  • Low: Evaluated last. Only used in very specific regex cases where multiple redirects are set up for the same relative path.

How to Import Redirects in Bulk

To import new redirects and/or make updates to existing redirects in bulk:

  1. Navigate to SEO Manager > Redirects.
  2. Click Export to get the proper CSV file format needed for the import.
  3. In the exported CSV, make any applicable changes to the existing redirects and/or add rows to the list for new redirects.
    Note: The following columns must be populated for new redirects added in:
    • Old URL
    • New URL
    • Type (set to Exact)
    • Enabled (set to TRUE)
  4. Back in the redirects manager, click Import and upload the updated CSV file.

How to Redirect an Entire Section of URLs

Let's say you want to redirect all URLs that start with /news-events/news/ over to /about-us/news/
and you want it to carry over anything that comes after /news/ automatically so individual redirects don't have to be created for every possible page in that section.

This can be done by using the regex option. You will need to set up two redirects with the following configurations:

Redirect 1

  • Old URL: ^(news-events/news)/(.*)/
  • New URL: /about-us/news/{R:2}
  • Type: Regex
  • URL Action: None
  • Status Code: Moved Permanently
  • Priority: Low

Redirect 2

  • Old URL: /news-events/news/
  • New URL: /about-us/news/
  • Type: Exact
  • URL Action: None
  • Status Code: Moved Permanently
  • Priority: Default

Learn More About Regex