EisnerAmper’s 2016 Alternative Investment Summit
- Published
- Jun 17, 2016
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EisnerAmper held its 2016 Alternative Investment Summit for fund managers and investors on June 14 at the Roosevelt Hotel in Midtown Manhattan. The half-day event, which attracted approximately 250 attendees, included a wide range of managers and investors from hedge funds, private equity funds, venture capital funds, sovereign wealth funds, fund of funds and family offices. The event showcased industry luminaries who shared their perspectives as part of the 3 following panels:
Family Offices – Investment professionals from single- and multi-family offices shared their views on how and where they look to allocate capital, attractive fund strategies, up-and-coming industry niches and macro-economic outlooks.
Private Equity – Private equity founders and managers discussed where they see valuations in the market today and how that impacts their strategies, as well as the current and future status of the IPO market.
Hedge Funds – Panelists participated in a discussion focusing on how they consider seeding emerging managers, the impact of a strategic partner relationship and post-seed expectations.
The panelists provided a variety of opinions and ideas as funds and investors continue to seek striking the right balance between capital preservation and income generation in the current and foreseeable economic environments.
Articles on each of the panels will be coming soon – stay tuned…
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